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The project consists of a multi story building having 4Basement Floors + Ground Floor + 20 Upper Floors in addition to a car parkbuilding having 4 Basement Floors + Ground Floor + 5 Upper Floors.  The total built-up area of the project isapproximately 75,000 Square Meters.


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This Project consists of one (1) level basement beneath a seven levels podium and four (4) towers up to 28 floors where the two northern towers will interconnect at the top by a steel vierendeel truss bridge as well as the two southern towers. Total Built up area is approximately 185,000 Sq.m.

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The project consisted of one Office Building (built-up area 26,000 Square Meters) + one Recreational Building (built-up area 6,000 Square Meters) + 12 Accomodation Buildings (built up area 40,000 Square Meters) in addition to 2 Pool Facilities + Power Plant Building + Sewage Treatment Plant Facility + Roads.



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The project consists of an Administration & Studios Building + Barracks Building + Service Building + Power Plant Building + Car Park areas + Roads + Landscape. The total built-up area of the mentioned buildings is approximately 10,000 Square Meters. The total area of the site is approximately 50,000 Square Meters.

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The project consists of constructing 29 scattered Schools all over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The size of the built-up area of each school varied from 2,000 Square Meters to 3,500 Square Meters depending on the type. 


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The project consists of a multistory building having 1 Basement Floor + Ground Floor + 7 Upper Floors inaddition to a car park building having 1 Basement Floor + Ground Floor + 2 Upper Floors. The total built-up area ofthe project is approximately 21,500 Square Meters.